Triangle Painting Services

Interior & Exterior Painting

From the inside to the outside, our team is ready for all of your painting projects. The interior of your home or business may look faded or drab, and all that it needs maybe a fresh coat of paint. Our team will help you decide which paint and finish are best suited for your property and companying traffic. If you’re in an office, you may be looking for something that can withstand higher traffic than if you were wanting to paint your living room. Our team is here to help you in every way. The exterior of both your home and business building is important in giving off a great first impression. Cracked, faded, and lackluster paint may not highlight your property in the way you see it. So call our team today to schedule your next professional interior and/or exterior painting service in Downers Grove, IL, and all surrounding areas.

Residential & Commercial Painting

No matter the property, our team at Triangle Painting Inc can paint it. Since 1992 our team has been executing all kinds and styles of painting. There is no size, no technicalities, that stop us from executing a precise and reliable painting service. Our team is constantly trained and tested on which current painting methods and techniques are best, and best used in which condition. Your complete satisfaction is our bottom line. We understand that the customer is the backbone of any successful business, which is why we are always pushing to be the leader in our industry. Our open communication, superior craftsmanship, and honest estimates are what have helped us remain at the top of our game. So if you're ready to change the look of your residential or commercial property with a fresh coat of paint, call our team now in Warrenville, IL, and every encompassing city.


No matter if you need new cabinets installed in your kitchen, or have been wanting a reading nook built out in your living room, our team can get the job done. If you’re looking for carpentry or your business or company, we have the team power to accomplish your job as well. Our crew is composed of expert carpenters with years of experience under their belts. Being in business since 1992, our company has only ever hired those who are passionate about building and love to see a transformation happen in any commercial or residential property. So if you're ready for quality craftsmanship and excellent design, call our Triangle Painting Inc team today in Hinsdale, IL, and all nearby towns. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Power Washing

Our power washing services are here to tackle your toughest stains. Using heated high pressurized water, our cleaning service is sure to completely rid your surface of all dirt, grime, and bacteria, all while fully sanitizing it. Perfect for oil stains in your driveway, or gum residue on your front sidewalks, power washing is the most environmentally friendly way to clean the hard surfaces you have on your property. Call us now to learn more about what our power washing services can clean today in Naperville, IL, and the surrounding areas.